What You Bought This Month – If This List Has Anything To Say About It Your Homes Must Be Looking Pretty Beautiful:)

I think by now you know we love a good show-and-tell to see what everyone has been buying (according to our records, of course). And since it’s 2024, which is still taking some to get used to saying, I thought it was high time to check in with each other…and our carts:) Now, what I love about this set of very popular purchases is that they are almost exclusively home decor items with only a few exceptions. It’s my favorite kind of list (well aside from an Etsy one) so I hope you enjoy this sweet little Saturday scroll:)

In case you missed our top best sellers of 2023 post, then let me tell you this cutie was #3! Emily picked them for our photographer Kaitlin’s basement makeover and they were just perfect. They seemingly toe the line between modern, classic, and quirky (it also comes in 15 other colors if “butterscotch” doesn’t work with your vibe:)) Plus they are plug-ins which means they can go anywhere. Too. Good.

A classic that you simply can’t go wrong with! Emily has these pulls in her kitchen so I can say firsthand how pretty and high-quality they are. As for the unlacquered finish (though it comes in 6 other metal finishes) is awesome. I bought an unlacquered brass finish switchplate and have loved how quickly and beautifully it has already begun to patina.

NOTHING MAKES ME HAPPIER!!!! I know I have skin in the game on this one but man does it truly make my heart burst. I know that most of the larger sizes are sold out in this style but more are coming soon! We’ve been promised:)

Another item that I’m pumped about! It was from my “Fix it Friday” post where I helped 6 followers pick out a few products to hopefully make them love their bed more. This pillow, in particular, would look great on a bed (duh) but also look awesome on a sofa or accent chair. Oh, and it comes in 3 other colors.

I mean when will this TOP SELLER not be on our list? Probably never:) I reeeeally want one…

This beauty came to us via Emily’s awesome “traditional but still cool sofas” post and my oh my is it breathtaking. I hope that whoever ordered it is loving their life!

This was an expected addition to the list but hey, there were A LOT of great sales happening and while we all might be cold now, it’s going to get hot again and these fan owners will be cool as a prepared cucumber. All I’m trying to say is that planning ahead has its perks:)

Beautiful and practical, just like its recommender, Arlyn. This sink caddy is only $15 and looks so great in person (I’ll actually be seeing it tonight when I go hang with her and her sweet family :)). If you want the next best thing, check out her rental kitchen reveal!

I was stunned and delighted when not only did I see these on the list but at #2?! In case you missed the link up where I talked about these sunglasses, they are my new Warby Parker prescription sunglasses. I finally did it and I am so happy that I can wear cool sunglasses without having to wear contacts (you can get them without a prescription too if you have perfect vision). But joke’s on me because the other week I rolled over on my regular glasses and in trying the straighten them out (something I’ve had to do on more than one occasion), one of the arms finally gave up on me and snapped. So until I get them fixed, if I want to be a part of society and go out into the world, I have to wear contacts. LOL

I am not surprised but am so happy. Congratulations to Caitlin for winning this month with the most purchased rec! If EHD and EHD readers had a uniform it would absolutely consist of a striped quarter zip sweater or sweatshirt and this cutie should probably just be it. Ha. Plus, that little pearl detail is so sweet and very on trend:)

Did anyone buy any other recs they loved? Let us know in the comments and have a great rest of your Saturday!

Opening Image Credits: Design by Emily Henderson and ARCIFORM | Photo by Kaitlin Green | From: Our Primary Bedroom Reveal! She’s Blue (Shocking), Calm, And Ready For A Full Show And Tell

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