Decorative Fabrics in Interior Design

The atmosphere in residential interiors today is largely defined by the decorative fabrics, which are applied in the form of curtains, draperies, blankets, upholstery, decorative pillows, table mats, seating furniture, armchair and chair linings and similar.

Type of a fabric, color, pattern and weaving method determine the quality and beauty of decorative fabrics. Both, natural and artificial materials find its application depending on the needs of households and the intensity of fabric use. Using decorative fabrics is a great way for fast and effective changes in the interiors as well as seasonal refreshments, which reflect the characteristics of the seasons.

Cotton, linen, silk, wool and beef – these are the fabrics of natural origin, and they appear at the market in mixed groups. Synthetic fabrics, as well as artificial materials, face frequent use due to the easy maintenance and durability. Selection of fabrics should be adapted to its purpose, which may be only decorative or decorative – functional role.

Fabrics applied in the form of curtains, draperies or upholstery for the cushions have only decorative role. When choosing curtains important factor is an amount of natural light the curtains flow through. Decorative pillows upholstery should be chosen in accordance with the existing interior colors or make the contrast to the primary interior color and pattern material with them.

Functional role of decorative fabric imposes the process of selection where in addition of aesthetic criteria the experience of touch is important too. Decorative fabrics, which appear as chair or furniture covers, are in direct contact with skin and the key factor in final selection should be the feeling of pleasure which occurs as a result of content with the fabric.

The most frequent use of decorative fabrics occurs in living rooms and the combining high-quality samples and material is obtained using fabrics with similar colors and patterns on the curtains, garden furniture, chairs, table mats etc. Decorative fabrics may even become the dominant element of the interior and cover up the pieces of furniture that you want to replace, but you are not yet in a position to do so. Type of selected fabrics will make space more open, playful, formal, antique, elegant or just like you want to do it as the final experience.

Children’s rooms are ideal for use of a decorative fabric curtains, chair covering, bed blankets, etc. In this rooms warm colors fabrics are recommended with open, floral or geometric shapes and natural composition. Children’s rooms should be warm and temperamental and the selection of decorative fabrics should be accommodated to that.

The bedroom is a place for relaxation. Fabrics, which define the ultimate atmosphere, should be pleasant to the touch and look. Delicate colors and smaller patterns are appropriate for this area where a relaxing look & feel have to be recognized at a first sight. In addition to curtains, bed covers and decorative pillows, fabric can be used as the lining of the dominant high-head beds. Uniformly colored cloth on the pillow should be emphasized using different types of steppes and by creating additional decorations.

Additional charm of a kitchen can be achieved by applying a decorative fabric as a tablecloth, curtains on the elements with glass doors, decorative pillows on chairs, using decorative dish cloths, etc. The selection of materials should be adapted to the each person needs.

The possibility of decorative fabrics selection and different indoor ambiance creation are almost limitless. Stylish, rustic or modern interiors are welcoming to decorative fabrics that are enriching and emphasize complete atmosphere. Play around with the fabrics, colors and patterns and give your home a new identity!


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