Cheap Home Decorating Ideas

There are cheap home decorating ideas that can have a very rich look. Our homes reflect who we are and how we want to live our lives.Cheap home decor dose not have to look cheap if we mix it just right with other items. I like to surround myself with the colors I like. My home is my castle and I am the queen and it is the one place that things will be to my liking. It is my private place. We had been planning on building a house for about 10 years and I bought a new book or magazine every few days. I had a whole list of ideas and books with lots of marked pages. And I tried to use them all.

It took us 2 years to build and by the time the house was done there was not must left for interior decorating. Decorating on a budget began.Well being determined like I am I got my books out and started researching what I could do with stuff I already had and how I could make good use of yard sale items. It surprises me the number of things we can do with picture frames. I started buying all the frames I could find at yard sales. With some when the pictures were ugly, I just went to the local craft store and found some beautiful prints for 4 or 5 dollars. I added a nice mat and I now have some lovely pictures that I get compliments on all the time. In one room I just hung the bare frames. I used all shapes and different finishes. There does not have to be a pattern to this. After you get them hung stand back and look at them. Now imagine what they can say to you. I went and found some small wooden letters and painted them black. I now added them to my wall in and around my frames and the effect was stunning.

Some examples of the words I used were imagine, love, learn, home, and etc…The point is that they do not have to make a sentence, they only need to reflect what you want them to say . The idea can be strictly yours. In my master bedroom closet I have the words “Put your big girl panties on and deal with it” That is the first thing I see when I go to the closet to get my cloths and it makes me smile every time I see it.

Now some people have asked me why would you put that in a closet? Well remember what I told you earlier, I am the queen of my castle and that is where I wanted it. So that is where it is. You do not have to play by any rules and certainly should not. Your home should reflect what you want it to. I found that looking at pictures in magazines gave me some really good ideas. Sometimes people will ask, where did you get that and I do not care to confess that I picked it up at a yard sale and painted it to match my stuff.The cheap home decorating ideas I came up with have some of my most treasured items.

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